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Virtual Environment
About Us RSRL to Academics Academics to RSRL
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Academics to RSRL - Benefits
What RSRL Charges?
  • For 3 lecturers From Comp.Sci-IT
    • Rs. 3,00,000/- (Technology Training+ 25 mini projects + 25 Main Projects)
  • For 3 lecturers From ECE-EEE-EL
    • Rs. 3,00,000/- (Technology Training+ 25 mini projects + 25 Main Projects) + Kit Cost For Embedded Projects
How College Get Benefited? COMMERCIAL BENEFIT FOR 100 Students
Training Package Duration Student Spending
Outside College At College
ANY TWO Technologies
4 Months 8000 - 10000
(for ONE only)
(for TWO)
MINI Project Training 1 Month 1500 - 2000 1000
MAIN Project Training 2 Months 2000 - 3000 1000
Total Spending 7-8 Months 11500 - 15000 6000
College Benefits
FOR 100 Students CSC & IT 600000 NOTE: College Can give 25 Projects for 100-125 students for 4-5 member batch where the profit margin increases, also for next year also same projects can be utilized with out depending on RSRL
FOR 100 Students ECE & EEE 600000
Total Billing 1200000
College Spending to RSRL 600000
College Profit 600000